Registrations are open for Semester 1.
The following subjects have been confirmed; Enrichment and Estoppel, Criminal Procedure, Property, Evidence, Company Law, Sale & Lease, Ethics, International Law, Civil Procedure, Advanced Indigenous Law. More subjects will be added in the next week.
Excellent progress again
The students who graduated this semester did particularly well. In their final semester, Student A increased her average from 61% to 76% and Student C increased her average from 81% to 84%. On 3rd year level, Student U increased her average from 70% to 76%. Several students attained marks of more than 90%. Congratulations! Your determination and hard work does pay off.
Registrations are open
Registrations for January 2024 are open. Register early as classes will start in the 3rd week of January 2024.
Excellent Progress in a Difficult Semester
Student SN, well done. You have LLB in the bag. We will miss you. CV is continuing her streak of excellent results. 4 Distinctions are not to be sneezed at! UN is also a star. She improved her average to 76% from 68%. M improved from 67% to 77%. Congratulations. This was a difficult semester. Congratulations top all our students who persevered and did not let anything get them down. Our pass rate was over…
Classes start
Please register quickly as classes start on 5 July 2023.
Registrations are open
Please register without delay. Classes are filling up quickly and classes start on 14 January 2023.
AS, CvR, James, K and OL graduated. Congratulations! Our students are making marked progress. AA improved her average with 6% to 74% and CV improved from 77% to 83%. One year to go, Ladies! In his last subject, James brought home 97% and K 83%. Congratulations! We again had an excellent pass rate of 96%.
Our students have excelled again. Student P finished her LLB with an average of 82%. Congratulations! Student AS attained an average of 79%. This is a huge improvement. One semester to go! C excelled again with full marks for Evidence – 100%. J brought home an average of 79%. Our pass rate was 94%
Registrations are open
Classes start on 17 July. Please register without delay.
Classes start
Classes will start in the week of 17 January.